Who can submit the film?

Anybody can submit the film, submitter must have the copyrights of the content (film/web show/ music video)

How to submit a film?

DMOFF accept film via Filmfreeway. 

What does mean by A Private Screening?

If filmmaker/submitter disagree with sharing the full film or trailer on our website, we’ll consider the film as private film, which means the film will not be published or shared on website or any social media film will be viewed only by festival members for judging purposes via private screening. Private films are equally eligible for all awards except the audience’s choice award and top 10 films of the week, which are only for public screening films.

Is private film eligible for award competition?

Private films are equally eligible for all awards except the audience’s choice award and top 10 films of the week, which are only for public screening films.

My film is not available online and also I don't have a Trailer?

If your film doesn’t have trailer or online link (full film), We’ll consider your film as a private film which means which means your film will be viewed by only festival members for judging purposes via private screening. Private films are equally eligible for all awards except the audience’s choice award and top 10 films of the week, which are only for public screening films.

How can I rate a film on DMOFF?

To rate a film, simply open the film’s page, watch it, and click on the star rating below the poster. Choose the number of stars based on your experience. for more

Click here for a full step-by-step guide

Who can rate films on DMOFF, and how is the rating recorded?

Both logged-in users and guests can rate films on DMOFF. Ratings are logged using cookies and IP tracking. It means that anyone visiting the DMOFF website, whether they have an account (logged-in user) or not (guest), can give a rating to films. To prevent spam or multiple ratings from the same person, the system tracks ratings using cookies (small data stored in the browser) and IP address (a unique identifier for an internet connection). This ensures that each user can rate fairly without creating multiple ratings for the same film.