Director – Lior Sperandeo
Genre – Short, Drama
Duration – 3 minutes 1 second
Country – ?France
Language – English
Year – 2017
SYNOPSIS : How could this be that Hundreds and millions of people live in Africa without access to clean drinking water, resulting in famine and poverty, and the world turns a blind eye toI was caught off guard. In 2017? really? I grew up in Israel, a country troubled by both lack of water and war, and somehow I had never heard this before. ”Unsafe water kills more people than war” When I first heard the statement: thesituation.Women and children spend countless hours a day searching for water. Long distances are traveled, and physical toll is taken to find water that at the end of the day is dirty and contaminated. Not only does this affect health, it also keeps children out of school, and robs adults from being able to find work, resulting in the indefinite perpetuation of poverty.As a documentary filmmaker and photographer, this reality was hard for me to believe, and I needed to see it with my own eyes. I felt compelled to take my camera to Africa to shed light on this problem.
Official Selection April 2017