Step-by-Step Guide to Voting for a Film on DMOFF (
- Open the Film Page:
- Go to and find the film you’d like to watch.
- Click on the film’s title or image to open its dedicated page.
- Watch the Film:
- Watch the film directly on its page to fully enjoy and assess it before voting.
- Rate the Film Using Stars:
- Below the film’s poster, on the left side, you’ll find a 5-star rating system.
- To rate, simply click on the number of stars that reflects your opinion of the film:
- 1 Star: Awful
- 2 Stars: Bad
- 3 Stars: Average
- 4 Stars: Good
- 5 Stars: Excellent
- Cast Your Vote:
- Click on the stars to submit your rating. For example, if you wish to rate the film as excellent, click all five stars.
- Note: Once you click, your vote is final. You cannot change your vote, and neither can the administrators. Each user can vote only once per film.
Enjoy voting and being part of the DMOFF community!

*Currently Screenplay Competition is on hold, We are not accpting written screenplay.