Director – Mohammad Hossein Bagherifard & Mohammad Javad Mazroee

Genre –

Duration – 44 minutes 59 seconds

Country – Iran, Islamic Republic of

Language – Persian?

Year – 2023

SYNOPSIS : Immigrants are now in almost every major city and are hot topics throughout the world. Instead of being just another set of stories, this documentary focuses on the theme of seeing the flowers beside the swamp. To achieve this, Saeed or “uncle Saeed” is introduced that is someone was so profoundly impacted by a child several years ago that, he dedicated his life around providing hope to children of immigrants in one of the most forgotten areas of the world. Alternatives to food and clothing handouts and solutions to child labour are provided that have already been implemented and are bearing fruit. Context is provided by introducing the children’s families and neighborhoods showing the final impact on the “forgotten children” that are living due to antecedent causes of war, poverty, crime and drugs.


Official Selection July 2023

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