Only Trailer Available

Director – Devashish Sargam

Genre –

Duration – 30 minutes

Country – India

Language – English, Hindi

Year – 2020

SYNOPSIS : “In Search Of Valentine” is a story of a guy who falls in love during his childhood but he never realized it, as for him love was something having a feelings for some one or playing childhood games like hide and seek. Actually they both were to small to understand the true meaning of love. The day came when both got apart from each other and never realized that they both are fallen in true love. Years passed and both got settled in there own life. One day the guy was writing a film script but he couldn’t complete his story as he was not getting the exact name for which he was looking for his film character.Then suddenly a thought came in his mind and then he started searching some thing in google and all social networking sites. He could hardly recollect the name for which he was looking for but then some thing happened, it was very disturbing for him, he become very upset. He could hear some voice, some laugh of his childhood.He started thinking more and more and tried to find out the reason for the same and then suddenly he could find something on net but what was it ? So to find this watch this romantic short film ‘In Search Of Valentine’


Official Selection January 2020

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